1. Block (Bl) = dc + 2 dc
A. Starting Bl = ch 3 + 2 dc
B. Bl over a Bl = dc in 4 dc
C. Bl over a Sp = dc in dc, 2 dc
in sp, dc in next dc
D. Bl over a Bar = 3-5 dc in
Bar, dc in next st/dc
E. Bl Inc @ Beg of Row = ch 5,
dc in 4th & 5th chs from hook, dc in next dc
F. Bl Inc @ End of Row = dc in
top of turn ch 3 of previous row, (yo hook,
hook in base of last st made, draw up lp, yo & through 1 lp, yo
& through 2 lps
twice) 3 times
2. Space (Sp) = ch 2 + dc
A. Starting Sp = ch 5, sk 2 sts,
dc in next dc
B. Sp over a Sp = ch 2, dc in
next dc
C. Sp over a Bar = ch 2, sk 2
chs, dc in next ch/dc
3. Lacet = ch 3, sk 2 sts, sc in next
st, ch 3, sk 2 sts, dc in next dc
4. Bar = ch 5, sk 5 sts, dc in next
Lower part of
Heart (Make 2):
Row 1: Right Side: Ch 9. Dc in 4th ch from hook, dc
in all chs across. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 5, dc in
4th & 5th chs from hook, dc in next 6 dc, dc in top of turning ch
3 of
previous row, (yo hook, insert hook in base of last st made, draw
up lp, yo & through
1 lp, yo & through 2 lps twice) 3
times. Turn.
Row 3: Bl Inc @ Beg
of Row, Bl over a Bl, Lacet over 2 Bl, Bl over a Bl, Bl Inc @ End of
Rows 4-9: Follow
graph utilizing Techniques. End off for 1st Heart. Turn
for 2nd
Row 10: Bl Inc @ Beg of
Row, Bl over a Bl, Sp over a Bl, 7 Bar over 7 Lacet, Sp over
a Bl, Bl
Inc @ End of Row, work 2nd Bl Inc @ End of Row with last
dc as follows: yo, insert
hook in base of dc just made, insert hook in first st of 1st heart
(same row), yo &
through 2 lps, (connects the 2 Hearts), finish 1st
heart per graph ending with: dc in
top of turn ch 3 of previous row, (yo hook, insert in
base of last st made, draw up lp,
yo & through 1 lp, you & through 2 lps twice)
twice, yo hook, insert in base of st just
made, yo & through, insert hook in base of starting ch 5, yo &
through 1 lp, yo &
through 2 lps, sl st in top of starting ch 5. This closes the
bag & the filet work will be
done in rounds. Do not turn.
Rnd 11: Right Side:
Ch 3 (= dc) 2 Bl over 2 Bl, 9 Lacet, 2 Bl over 2 Bl, 9 Lacet, 2 Bl
over 2 Bl,
joining with sl st to top of starting ch 3. Do not turn.
Rnds 12-16: Continue
working as established, joining as for Rnd 11. Do not
Rnd 17: Ch 5 (=
starting sp), follow graph utilizing Techniques, join with sl st in
3rd ch of
starting ch 5. Do not turn.
Rnds 18-31: Continue
working as established joining as in Rnd 17. Do not end off.
Rnd 1: R.S. Ch 4 (= dc + ch 1), (dc-ch 1) 3 times in same
dc, *sc in next dc, (dc-ch 1) 4
-dc in next dc, repeat from * around joining with sl st
in 3rd ch of starting ch 4.
Rnd 2: *(ch 3-sc in
next ch 1 sp, ch 3-sc in next dc) 4 times, sl st in next sc, sc in
next dc,
repeat from * around joining with sl st in starting sl st. End
Lower Edge:
Row 1: R.S. Working through both hearts, sc evenly
lower edges together (this closes the
base of the bag. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 4 (= dc +
ch 1), (dc-ch 1) 3 times in same sc, *skip 2 sc, sc in next sc, ch 1,
sk 2
sc, (dc-ch 1) 5 times in next sc, repeat from * across. Turn.
Row 3: *(ch 3-sc in
next ch 1 sp, ch 3-sc in next dc) 3 times, ch 3-sc in next ch 1 sp, sl
st in
sc, sc in
next dc, repeat from * across. End off.
Make 2: Ch to 24" (or desired length), sl st in 2nd ch from
hook & in each ch across.
End off. Thread
ties through Row 30. Overhand tie ends together. |