1. Block (Bl) = 3 dc
A. Starting Bl = ch 3 + 3 dc
B. Bl over a Bl = dc in 3 dc
C. Bl over a Bar = 3-5 dc in
Bar, dc in
2. Lacet = ch 3, sk 2 sts, sc in
next st,
ch 3, sk 2 sts, dc in next dc
3. Bar = ch 5, sk 5 sts, dc in
next dc
Row 1: R.S. Ch 33. Dc in 4th ch from
& in each ch across. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, (ch
3-sk 2
dc-sc in next dc-ch 3-sk 2 dc-dc in
next dc) 4 times, dc in last 3 dc.
Row 3: Starting Bl over a Bl, 4
Bars over 4
Lacets, Bl over a Bl. Turn.
Rows 4-42: Follow graph utilizing
Do not end off.

Rnd 1: R.S. At corner, ch 1-sc-ch 3-sc in corner,
work ch 3-sk row side-sc-ch 3-sc in row
joining, along sides; work ch 3-sk 2 dc-sc-ch 3-sc in next
dc, across top & lower
sides; work sc-ch 3-sc in corners. Join with sl st in starting
sc. End off.
2 chs 12" each. Holding them tog., fold in
half & "fringe" in center of top
edge. Overhand knot chain ends tog. |